Friday, 9 November 2012

Some of the Common After Effects of Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Laser hair removal treatments are the latest, the most scientific and permanent hair removal process that you can opt for if you are simply tired of visiting the beauty salons every fortnight. It is an extremely simple procedure whereby the root hairs present in any part of the body is damaged by the application of laser beams, thereby ensuring that hairs would not reappear in those particular areas. Most women from around the world are opting for the laser hair removal therapy as it is the most viable choice owing to their busy work schedule.
laser hair removal treatments

How long does it take?
However you must approach a very skilled dermatologistin Long Island to get the best result. This process requires the patient to visit the therapist at least six times for the completion of the therapy. All the renowned clinics will provide you with a detailed direction about what you should do before undergoing the treatment. Here we are mainly focusing on the various things that you should expect after undergoing the therapy.
Sensitivity in the treated areas:
The most common after effect of even best laser hair removal therapy is that the treated areas swells up a bit and you will also feel unevenness in these particular areas. But there is nothing to worry about as it will go away after a few hours. If it does not heal within the next two days, then you consider consulting the therapist immediately.
Burning sensation or scarring:
Just after the laser treatment, the patients are going to feel a slight burning sensation in the parts of the skins where the laser beams were applied to kill the hair follicles and you might also notice some blemishes in the treated areas. These are quite usual side effects of the laser therapy but you should follow the instructions of the therapist properly to control them.  
Avoid sunlight:
Avoid exposing the treated area to sunlight as much as possible as it may cause serious harm. Even after the whole treatment process is completed, you must apply the specified sunscreen whenever you go out in the sun.
Shedding of the hair:
After the laser treatment some hairs are going to remain in the treated areas as the process involves removal of the body hairs from the root. So the root hairs are going to shed off gradually in the due course of time. Do not suffer from the illusion that the treatment was unsuccessful and try to the pull the hairs from its root as it might cause some unwanted effects.
It is also advisable to dab cold water in the laser treated areas of the skin as it helps in getting instant relieve from the pain that is caused by this treatment. This technique is much better in comparison to waxing, plucking, shaving and other common body hair removal procedures and is cost effective as well. Go hurry and make appointments with the professional laser hair removal in NYC and get rid of all the unwanted hairs from your body permanently. 

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